Condensed Matter Theory Research Group
Topological and quantum matter
Our group investigates various aspects of quantum and topological materials. The current research problems are quantum geometry, interaction effects, novel magnetic materials (altermagnets and p-wave magnets), transport, and non-equilibrium responses. To tackle such problems, various tools of theoretical condensed matter physics including Green's functions, hydrodynamics, kinetic equations, etc. are employed.
We always look for motivated graduate and advanced undergraduate students to join our group.
Pavlo Sukhachov
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Missouri
326 Physics Bldg.,
701 S College Ave.,
Columbia, Missouri, 65211, USA
pavlo.sukhachov [at]
George H. Vineyard Assistant Professor in Theoretical Physics, University of Missouri, 2025-
Postdoc, QuSpin Center of Excellence NTNU (Norway), 2024-2025
Assistant Project Scientist, UCSC, 2023-2024
Yale Prize Fellow, Yale University, 2020-2023
Postdoc, Nordita (Sweden), 2019-2020
Postdoc, Western University (Canada), 2016-2019
Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics (Ukraine), 2016
B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Quantum field theory, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine), 2008-2014Â
Full CV:

Research keywords: Quantum and topological materials, quantum geometry, superconductivity, interaction effects, altermagnets, p-wave magnets, Fermi arc surface states, Weyl and Dirac semimetals